Saturday, January 30, 2010

Thc Lip Balm Lip Balm In Super High Me?

Lip balm in Super High Me? - thc lip balm

In the movie Super High Me, there was this lip balm that THC had. There were all sorts of other products too. How can I buy? My friends birthday is just over 2 weeks. He is obsessed with lip balm and weeds, I have currently. How How How?


Upgrayed said...

I think we have to invent them. I saw made from hemp, but it will not give up.

SuperSwe... said...

probably the only place you will find is a well-stocked medical cannabis store. and you need a recipe to make in one go.

SuperSwe... said...

probably the only place you will find is a well-stocked medical cannabis store. and you need a recipe to make in one go.

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